Last updated on August 26th, 2024
A new national survey conducted by U.S. Nature4Climate (USN4C) shows that voters across party lines support natural climate solutions more than ever. Unlike other issues that polarize American voters, Natural Climate Solutions are uniquely unifying. Voters largely reject criticism that Natural Climate Solutions are too expensive and distract from other priorities, recognizing the broad array of benefits they provide. The poll also indicates that voters feel more favorably toward Members of Congress who support these solutions. Voters also strongly support a diverse range of practices and policies to fund and implement NCS strategies, including reforestation, wildfire management, and the provision of incentives and technical support for farmers and forest owners keen on adopting climate-smart practices and feel favorably toward Members of Congress that support these solutions. In short, this poll underscores how much voters across all parties support Natural Climate Solutions to help people, nature, and the climate.
An Overwhelming Bi-Partisan Majority of U.S. Voters Support Natural Climate Solutions
In June 2024, U.S. Nature4Climate (USN4C) commissioned a bi-partisan team of pollsters – New Bridge Strategy (R) and FM3 Research (D) – to survey 1,000 registered voters to gauge support for Natural Climate Solutions with an oversample of rural voters.
“Natural Climate Solutions are actions that reduce emissions and increase carbon storage in forests, farms, grasslands, and wetlands. Practices that could be included are actions like…
- Encouraging farming techniques that retain carbon in the soil, such as planting cover crops;
- Conserving and replanting forests;
- Conserving and restoring coastal wetlands; and
- Reducing the loss of natural areas, planting trees, and providing parks in communities.
Efforts to expand these practices could be supported by laws and public funding approved at the federal, state, and local levels.
Does that sound like something you would support or oppose?”
Upon being presented with a succinct description of Natural Climate Solutions (above), voters were asked if they would support or oppose the expansion of these practices through legislation and public funding at federal, state, and local levels. The results were overwhelmingly positive: 94% of voters supported the expansion of Natural Climate Solutions, a 2-point increase from our May 2023 survey, leaving a mere 6% in opposition.
Significantly, this issue transcends party lines. An impressive 99% of Democrats, 94% of independents, and 89% of Republicans all voiced support for broader implementation of Natural Climate Solutions. Notably, the proportion of voters expressing strong support for the expansion of Natural Climate Solutions surged by 8 points, rising from 47% to 55%, suggesting growing enthusiasm among the electorate.
Voters largely reject criticism of Natural Climate Solutions suggesting that they are too expensive and distract from other priorities. After hearing arguments on both sides of the issue (below), an overwhelming 83% majority of voters agrees that Natural Climate Solutions are win-win solutions with a wide range of benefits over an argument that they waste money and won’t solve problems impacting Americans today (17%). Notably, 76% of Republicans, 80% of independents, and 92% of Democrats agree with investing in Natural Climate Solutions.
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Taking action to expand Natural Climate Solutions is also likely to reap rewards for those who support them. Voters were asked if they would have a more favorable or less favorable impression of their member of Congress if they “voted to keep these financial incentives and programs for farmers and landowners to better manage their land to reduce its impact on the climate and conserve land and water”. More than two-thirds (69%) of voters – including 60% of Republicans, 59% of independents, and 86% of Democrats) – would have a more favorable impression of their member of Congress, while only 6% would have a less favorable impression.
Policy Proposals That Help Implement Natural Climate Solutions Garner Strong Support
Voters also strongly support a wide range of policy proposals that would help expand implementation of Natural Climate Solutions on farms and ranches, in forests, and in coastal areas. These include proposals to provide incentives and technical assistance to farmers and forest owners through a variety of different means, reforest areas impacted by wildfire and removing overgrown brush and trees in forests to reduce wildfire threats, restore coastal wetlands, building up America’s conservation workforce, and ensuring that funding and assistance is fairly distributed. All of these proposals are supported by robust majorities across party, suggesting numerous popular options for policy makers to expand Natural Climate Solutions. These proposals enjoy widespread approval across political lines, indicating a robust consensus in favor of these measures. This broad support suggests a multitude of viable options for policymakers to further expand Natural Climate Solutions.
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Conclusion: There Is Growing Bipartisan Momentum for Natural Climate Solutions
The poll results reveal strong and growing cross-party support for the implementation of Natural Climate Solutions in the United States. Our research further reveals that voters envision an inclusive approach, integrating a variety of American landscapes – encompassing farms, forests, urban areas, grasslands, and coastal regions – into these climate initiatives. Importantly, the electorate extends a significant latitude to policymakers in devising the roadmap for Natural Climate Solutions, reflecting their resounding approval for multiple strategies. This suggests fertile ground for bi-partisan cooperation and consensus-building, opening up new avenues for climate action.
Additional Resources
Explore a short 2-pager that walks through some of the most attention-grabbing numbers from the poll.
Equip yourself with messages to help you advocate on behalf of Natural Climate Solutions.
See examples of Natural Climate Solutions in Action.