The Boise City of Trees Challenge: 235,000 New Trees Helping to Tackle Climate Change in the Boise National Forest

The Boise City of Trees Challenge, a community-led initiative, is making significant strides in tackling climate change by planting one tree for every household in the city and restoring the Boise National Forest. This effort, backed by federal funding from the REPLANT Act, is a testament to the power of collaboration between federal agencies, municipal governments, and non-profit organizations. The project not only jump-starts carbon sequestration, serving as a natural climate solution, but also brings numerous co-benefits to the local community. These include enhanced wildlife habitats, improved water quality, reduced risk of landslides, and recreational areas for residents. The initiative underscores the importance of tree planting in mitigating climate change and enhancing the quality of life for local communities.

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© Carlton Ward Jr. for TNC

Agricultural Land Protection is an Essential Tool for Fighting Climate Change

Read how agricultural conservation easements can play a vital role in addressing climate change and ensuring food security in the U.S. Learn about the research by the American Farmland Trust, insights into how conservation easements foster the adoption of climate-smart agricultural practices, and the federal government’s role in farmland conservation.

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© Rory Doyle for TNC

Growth in Support for Natural Climate Solutions

Explore how natural climate solutions, from reforestation to blue-carbon ecosystems, have bipartisan support and the federal initiatives driving their implementation. Additionally, learn how community engagement and Indigenous leadership are pivotal for effective climate action.

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4 Priorities for Managing US Lands in the Face of Climate Change

Land management practices can be crucial natural climate solutions. Read four ways that policymakers can prioritize strategies to protect the land carbon sink and balance the many requirements for land use in the face of climate change.

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Leon LaSalle and the Chippewa Cree Tribe: Making USDA Programs Work For Tribal Producers

Explore the inspiring journey of third-generation rancher Leon LaSalle and the Chippewa Cree Tribe as they advocate for equitable access to Farm Bill Programs. From confronting the challenges of drought to negotiating groundbreaking agreements with USDA, learn how their project enhances conservation practices, addresses policy changes, and catalyzes innovation for a sustainable agricultural future. Discover the impact on tribal producers, the significance of tribal sovereignty, and the opportunities presented by the upcoming Farm Bill.

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The Benefits of Investing in Natural Climate Solutions

Explore the benefits of investing in natural climate solutions: conservation, ecosystem management, and biodiversity preservation for emissions reduction. Discover cost-effective, ready-to-implement solutions and the crucial role of protecting existing ecosystems.

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Soil Health Success: Mulligan Farm shows that soil health practices can help improve economic performance 

Farmers across the US are embracing soil health practices for increased resilience, efficiency, and environmental benefits while improving their bottom line. At Mulligan Farm, Forrest Watson’s success with cover cropping and reduced tillage highlights the potential of regenerative agriculture, made possible in part due to financial support from federal funding from programs like USDA’s EQIP and CSP.

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