From left to right: Jim Richardson/TLI, Chris Crisman/TNC, & North Carolina Division of Marine Fisheries

The “Discussion & Debate” section of U.S. Nature4Climate’s “Decision-Makers Guide to Natural Climate Solutions Science” explores practices where there is significant uncertainty or debate within the scientific community on the climate mitigation impact of those practices. For each discussion, U.S. Nature4Climate convened a panel of experts to discuss the topic, explore the uncertainties and suggest ways forward for reducing those uncertainties.

Kernza: Defining a Path Forward for Perennial Grains

An expert panel convened by U.S. Nature4Climate discusses the role perennial grains can play in addressing climate change and other environmental challenges. The panelists delve more deeply into Kernza, a perennial grain developed by The Land Institute, highlighting the grain's strengths, but also identifying challenges to wider implementation—from lower yields to a lack of existing markets and the risk of growing a niche crop.