The Boise City of Trees Challenge: 235,000 New Trees Helping to Tackle Climate Change in the Boise National Forest

The Boise City of Trees Challenge, a community-led initiative, is making significant strides in tackling climate change by planting one tree for every household in the city and restoring the Boise National Forest. This effort, backed by federal funding from the REPLANT Act, is a testament to the power of collaboration between federal agencies, municipal governments, and non-profit organizations. The project not only jump-starts carbon sequestration, serving as a natural climate solution, but also brings numerous co-benefits to the local community. These include enhanced wildlife habitats, improved water quality, reduced risk of landslides, and recreational areas for residents. The initiative underscores the importance of tree planting in mitigating climate change and enhancing the quality of life for local communities.

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Rim Light Media

Experienced Coalition Builders Represent Hunters and Anglers in the Fight for Natural Climate Solutions

Hear from the chief conservation officer for the Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership on why she values her place within the U.S. Nature4Climate coalition and how the TRCP is prioritizing Natural Climate Solutions in its work to guarantee all Americans quality places to hunt and fish.

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Diane Cook and Len Jenshel © TNC

Investing in America’s Urban Forests

Despite the many benefits that trees provide, research suggests that tree canopy is unequally distributed in U.S. cities with low-income neighborhoods and communities of color often having less tree cover. Two of U.S. Nature4Climate’s coalition members are tackling the issue of urban tree cover head on, taking slightly different approaches to this work.

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Katherine Gendreau © TNC

Ambitious Climate Legislation in Massachusetts Sets the Bar for Other States

Massachusetts passed An Act Creating a Next-Generation Roadmap for Massachusetts Climate Policy, a groundbreaking and ambitious law that sets a net zero emissions goal–the new global standard–and requires the Commonwealth to decarbonize its economy by decreasing use of fossil fuels and harnessing nature to draw carbon from the air.

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It Starts with a Seed: Producing High Quality Native Seed for Restoration in the Willamette Valley

The Willamette Valley Native Plant Partnership plays a key role in advancing grassland restoration efforts, ensuring that landowners and managers have access to the right seed at the right place at the right time. This helps unlock the carbon storage potential of restored grasslands, while also ensuring the newly established plants are resilient to climate change.

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Ruslan Dashinsky© iStock

Roadmap to a Solar Energy Future on Long Island

The Long Island Solar Roadmap developed by the New York Division of The Nature Conservancy details the opportunities of mid- to large-scale solar arrays to help meet New York’s nation-leading climate and clean energy goals. “This report shows that in scaling up solar, we don’t have to choose between one ‘green’ good—clean energy—and another—undisturbed forests, open spaces, and farmland….With the right approach, we have room for it all.”

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Jason Whalen © Fauna Creative

As Stewards of the Land, Farmers and Ranchers Proud to Join U.S. Nature4Climate

Erin Fitzgerald, Chief Executive Officer at U.S. Farmers and Rancers in Action (USFRA), explains why USFRA is proud to partner with U.S. Nature4Climate to advance climate-smart agriculture practices that protect our vital soil and its huge potential to store carbon.

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Cecilio Ricardo ©U.S. Forest Service

The United States of Fire

Our forests are going to burn, one way or another. American Forests outlines how “good” fire may be able to save forests across America from being devastated by “bad” fires.

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