A Technical Guide for Assessing Nature-Based Mitigation Opportunities in Countries.
Featured Science
See how natural climate solutions are paying off.
Protect, Manage, and then Restore Lands for Climate Mitigation
Prioritizing protection for threatened carbon-storing landscapes can deliver most immediate ROI for climate mitigation, study suggests.
Insect and Disease Disturbances Correlate With Reduced Carbon Sequestration in U.S. Forests
Major efforts are underway to harness the carbon sequestration capacity of forests to combat global climate change. However, tree damage and death associated with insect and disease disturbance can reduce this carbon sequestration capacity.
Climate-Smart Agriculture Outcomes: An Overview for Corn-Soybean Systems
U.S. Farmers and Ranchers in Action’s (USFRA) report outlines the science behind carbon, water, and nitrogen cycles and their impact on soil health.
Soil Organic Matter Protects U.S. Maize Yields and Lowers Crop Insurance Payouts Under Drought
Soil organic matter content appears to be an important predictor of resilience to the type of drought conditions that are likely to occur more frequently under future climate scenarios.
Soil Carbon Science for Policy and Practice
Controversy about the role soils might play in climate change mitigation is undermining actions to restore soils for improved agricultural and environmental outcomes.
Positive Impacts of Cover Crops on Multiple Soil Health Indicators
Adoption of cover crops by farmers can result in measurable, field-level changes in soil health.
The Role of Soil Carbon in Natural Climate Solutions
The practical implementation of soil carbon climate strategies lags behind the potential, partly because we lack clarity around the magnitude of opportunity and how to capitalize on it.
Urban Tree Cover Disparity in U.S. Urbanized Areas
The Nature Conservancy conducted the first national survey of tree inequality, mapping urban tree canopy and temperature across 5,723 cities and towns in the U.S.